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Monday, June 23, 2014

I'm Having a Problem with Blogger's Reader Feature.

I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but it sure would be nice to know the solution. When I log into Blogger my reading list is only displaying one post - which means that I'm missing everyone right now. Does anyone know how to fix this?

I'm using the current version Firefox and I've never had this problem before. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


  1. P.S. to my Google+ comment. It seems to affect all browsers and platforms.

    1. Damn! I was hoping that I could just switch browsers and fix all this noise. :(

  2. A large number of people (myself included) are experiencing the same issue. As Richard mentioned, it seems to go across all browsers and platforms. Blogger is aware of the problem but neither a fix, nor the cause, has yet been divulged.

    1. My guess is that the cause is a bit of broken code placed in there by some elder god looking to piss us all off. Then again I could just be a bit melodramatic about these sorts of things. ;P

  3. Replies
    1. No, unfortunately it seems to be most everybody from what I've been able to tell. :(

  4. What Leicester said. ^

    I tried switching to Google Chrome, but no luck.

    1. I've tried Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Firefox all with the same bullshit results. It's pissing me off to be perfectly honest.


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