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Monday, December 16, 2013

Is Blogger Acting Funny?

Is Blogger acting funny for anyone else or is there something seriously wrong with my browser?

None of the blogs I'm looking at are showing more than their latest post in the view screen and I have to go into the older posts tab to see anything else.


  1. Looked at my blog, looked at your blog, didn't see the problem. So, either it's fixed, or unique to those blogs, maybe? Normally, I'd add "or unique to your browser," but if I understand what you are saying, I can't picture how that could happen on the browser end.

    1. I tried it in Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. The same thing happens in each, but I've decided to live with it as I can't figure out the problem.

  2. I've noticed similar Blogger Shenanigans as well. But, at work I am forced to use an outdated IE. When I get home to my shiny Firefox, I'll check it again.

  3. Hmmm.. i noticed that yesterday and just thought it was the blogs i was looking at. Just looked about a number of blogs and I only see the first one. odd...

    1. 10 seconds later... if i click on the blog name I see the current and recent posts.

    2. Hate when that happens. You say something and then bam! It's all working fine and you're looking like a crazy person. Happens to me all the time.

  4. I have had problems with blogger going blank, periodically since Thanksgiving. If I reboot the problem clears up, so it might be my computer rather than blogger. However my more likely scenario is that my avast web guard is blocking ads it doesn't like from blogger and rebooting clears the cache. It might also be heavy traffic on the internet.


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