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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Stumbling On the Amazing Engine

This evening my brother gave me a copy of the Amazing Engine Bughunters book from TSR. Has anyone ever played this thing?


  1. Yeah, I played that back in college for a session or two. Can't recall anything about the mechanics but we had fun. IIRC there were a lot of different setting books (Bughunters was for Aliens/Starship Troopers type stuff) but the game came out while TSR was in the death spiral and kind of got abandoned before it really caught on. At the time I thought it was poor second to GURPS for generic RP mechanics. But man did I love GURPS, and most gamers I knew thought I was crazy on that count.

    1. We GURPS guys get that a lot. We're like Navy SEALS that way - even the other Special Forces think we're a bit . . . odd. :-)

    2. Yeah, what's with you GURPS guys?

      You're like the ninjas of role-playing games . . .

  2. I have it but never played it. Amazing Engine was a bit too rules light for my tastes. I totally stole the modular ship designs for another game though. The star map is from the old SPI RPG, Universe, so that's worth stealing too. Please note that the Bughunters book does not contain the rules. You need the Amazing Engine Core Book for that which is sometimes packaged with the supplements and sometimes not. Did you get the core book from your brother as well?

    1. I actually picked up the core book Sunday for $1.25.

      The system is a bit rules light but I'm loving the settings that I've run across so far.


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