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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Joe the Lawyer's Wondrous Musings is Gone.

I just found out this evening that the blog Joe the Lawyer's Wondrous Musings has been deleted. Does anyone know why? He seemed to be having such a good time the last time I check in on him.


  1. I don't know, but I just wanted to say it irritates me when people who quit blogging for whatever reason take down their blogs. Sure, I understand wanting to walk away, but leave your blog up for all those people who might have linked to it over the years. Over the past decade, I've had a couple of blogs under a different screen name, and when I stopped posting on them I left everything up for anyone who might still be interested.

  2. That sucks. Is it really gone because sometimes I have seen blogs get swallowed by the deep dark internet abyss only to reappear like Ryleh rising from the depths.

    Sometimes it feels really good to just combat loss a blog and delete the damn thing, especially when you put a lot of yourself into it.

  3. He seemed to be having such a good time the last time I check in on him. criminal defense lawyer


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