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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sin Eater: Week 7

I try really hard to control my impulses and to avoid letting them control me, but sometimes, like this week, I fail miserably. It started off with my diet and letting myself over indulge. Which shouldn't be such a big deal but I'm trying to get my weight to stabilize during the winter instead of ballooning up like a bullfrog and then struggling to take it all off throughout the spring and summer. Except this winter has been pretty icy and gnarly here and suddenly I'm not exercising like I should and eating way too fucking much.

I ruined my third draft of the Americas map because I got impatient and decided that I could go ahead and paint it too early. Then I fucked up an essay I was working on by trying to convert it and instead ended up deleting the thing - even after it asked me if I was sure because reading the god-damned warnings that pop up is for losers. It's been a week filled with little moments like these that aren't a big deal, in and of themselves, but that add up to this overwhelming feeling that life just fucking sucks right now. Ah well, Sunday comes soon and things will be better.

The Sin Eater series is an opportunity for each of us, you and me, to recognize our sins and failures. Each week I kick it off by discussing something I do wrong, that I have failed at, or that I find reproachful in myself. Then anyone who wants to can join in and post their own 'sins' either through the use of their own username or anonymously in the comments below (DO NOT POST ANYTHING ILLEGAL AND THAT WILL GET YOU IN TROUBLE WITH THE LAW). 

The idea behind this project is to humanize ourselves (so take your self-righteous judgments and pronouncements and shove them right up your ass). It's also a place to help each of us to let go of the 'sins' that have been dominating our lives and recognize them for what they are: the simple human frailties that all of us struggle with daily. This series is the place where you can speak honestly and let your frailties be devoured by the internet gods.


  1. once bought a guitar for no fucking reason.. I mean i play .. I own two other guitars, but I saw this one and just bought it.. Like never even thinking about it.. and you know what I could have use that money back a few time since. Self control is I think the hardest of human skills, our brains are impulse generating machines, we have to fight them all the damn time.


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