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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Cancellation, Stagnation, Hell

Today I was going to play Dungeons & Dragons with some friends I haven't been able to see in too long. I say was because this morning I woke up at about 2:30 with acid reflux. Now normally I don't have this shit because I'm on a medicine that takes care of that shit. Like, my acid is normally locked the fuck down.

Last night, not so much.

So I wake up choking on fucking acid. I thought I could stop it with a bit of milk but instead I just started throwing up like crazy. Tore up my throat to the point where I could barely talk all day and had to cancel D&D. Fuck. this. day.

Somebody tell me something cool.


  1. Um, Dungeon Grappling is now arriving in backers' hands three months early? Dragon Heresy manuscript is complete? If you mix tincture of iodine and ammonia, you precipitate out a contact explosive that can detonate just by looking at it funny?

    1. You've already finished Dungeon Grappling three months early? How did you do that?

      It just goes to show what I've so often said: You're amazing!

    2. My project management skills came into play, and modesty aside, I have been doing much larger projects (industrial capital design, specification, oversight, and acquisition for projects with budgets measured in the millions of dollars per piece of equipment) for fifteen years. So with relatively few moving pieces, putting a short book together was fairly straight-forward. Plus, I went with the usual standby: under-promise and over-deliver. I took the minimum time I thought it would possibly take, and then put in factors of safety based on available information. The biggest variables were art sourcing (and I had a good team that even when they fell off the pace, they were responsive to positive reinforcement methodology) and print approval (which for DTRPG, went smoothly, again b/c I hired pros).

  2. This is a minor cool thing, but I went to a game/comic shop tonight and among their RPG section was a mint copy of the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. I would've bought it if I didn't already have 3 copies. Still good to see that with the 5E and PF stuff.

    1. Love that Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. I need to check and see if it's available for print-on-demand from D&D Classics.

  3. Have you read through Fantastic Heroes & Wizardry? It just became my favorite clone.

    1. No, I haven't even heard of it! I'll have to check it out!

    2. FH&W is really darn good. I love they way he did the pseudo-race-as-class thing. I plan to steal that.

  4. I played massive Kings of War battle yesterday. 3500 points per side. My Hundred Years' War figures vs a friend's renaissance figures. It ended in a draw. But I really like Kings of War.

    Pics and battle report tomorrow at thewordofstelios.com for Mini Monday.

    That, and I'm organizing a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG game for this coming Saturday.

    Now... if I could just combine the two...

    Anyway, feel better soon.


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