Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
Questions Yet to Be Answered
- Al'Akbar
- Allitur
- Atroa
- Beltar
- Beory
- Berei
- Bleredd
- Boccob
- Bralm
- Celestian
- Cyndor
- Dalt
- Delleb
- Ehlonna
- Erythnul
- Fharlanghn
- Fortubo
- Geshtai
- Heironeous
- Hextor
- Incabulous
- Istus
- Iuz
- Jascar
- Joramy
- Kord
- Kurell
- Lendor
- Lirr
- Llerg
- Lydia
- Mayaheine
- Merikka
- Mouqol
- Myhriss
- Nerull
- Norebo
- Obad-Hai
- Olidammara
- Osprem
- Pelor
- Phaulkon
- Pholtus
- Phyton
- Procan
- Pyremius
- Ralishaz
- Rao
- Raxivort
- Rudd
- St. Cuthbert
- Sehanine Moonbow
- Sotillion
- Syrul
- Telchur
- Tharizdun
- Trithereon
- Ulaa
- Vatun
- Vecna
- Velnius
- Wastri
- Wee Jas
- Wenta
- Xan Yae
- Xerbo
- Ye'Cind
- Zagyg
- Zilchus
- Zodal
- Zuoken
Questions Yet to Be Answered
- What is the point of having so many gods when many overlap each other? Is it a flavor thing or is it simply the glut that often accompanies a setting over time?
- Should some of these gods be culled from a completed list?
- Any god left on the list should have a reason for existing beyond X does Y but with a slight difference. It must be distinct and provide a reason for choosing them over the others. Is it possible for this to occur with an unmodified list?