Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It Takes Balls to be Open

When I ran across this picture I thought I had wondered back into some strange back alley of the internet started checking my hard drive to see if I had just been hijacked.


  1. Replies
    1. I honestly couldn't tell. There's not enough distinguishing features for me to say one way or the other.

  2. Definitely looks like Minneapolis. Looks like Nicollet mall.

  3. I wonder if this was last week. It was "Read an RPG in Public Week" and you're encouraged to read and/or play RPGs in public places, just to get people curious and asking questions. If this is what this is, this takes it to a whole new level of awesome. :)

  4. That's San Francisco, going by the Muni in the background. Pretty sure it's Market Street.

  5. Kiev? Going by that Ukranian Orthodox priest DM'ing the game.


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