Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Dreams of Tomorrow are Easier to Give Up On than the Reality of Today

I deleted a file today that I had been working on for four years. I had written a 156,200 words and I just couldn't keep fooling with the damned thing. I've moved beyond the project and I don't have the heart to keep hammering away at the topic any longer and no interest in sharing it with anyone.

So I threw it away.

Now to start on the new project.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wow! When that happens to me I just change the setting and try to sell it as a western. If you print it all out and feed it to a shredder it gives you a better sense of closure.

      I am not a robot and if I were I'd be kicking your suspicious ass

    2. I tried changing settings and all the rest. In the end it was just time to let it go.

      And of course you're not a robot! They're not anywhere near as funny.

    3. Have you tried a western? Westerns, Sci-Fi and Harlequin Romance used to be the sales trinity, though I think Detective should fit in there. Probably too 20th century. Maybe something with Vampires, Lesbian Witches, or Green Energy is the new approach.

      I am not a robot but I play one on TV that could kick your suspicious ass.

  2. Why threw it away? Why not put it in a drawer for, maybe, future use?

    1. Because I'd completely lost interest in the project. It was time to be done with it and move on to better things.


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