Thursday, June 26, 2014

Where and When You Can Start Downloading D&D Basic!

After seeing a lot of speculation about where the D&D Basic game would be hosted and downloaded - without any answers - so I contacted Mike Mearls and asked the man himself.

For those of you that can't enlarge the screen cap Mike says, "WotC site. I think it will go live during business hours pacific time, in case the site crashes." I love that they're preparing for the possibility that the site might have the same problems that plauged it during the playtest's launch and are actively working to combat those problems by actually being in house when they drop the damned thing!

Okay, so for those of you wondering what time this will actually be here are the times by time zone for you to start checking (if you want to be the first of your friends to download it) at the appropriate time.

Time Zone | Opening Time
GMT       | 2:00 PM
Eastern   | 10:00 AM
Central   | 9:00 AM
Mountain  | 8:00 AM
Pacific   | 7:00 AM


  1. Sweet! Sounds like they have a game plan, which is good.

    I have a confession to make Charles. Remember when I mentioned that I'm not interested in the starter set, because I need/want/must have the full game? Well, my wife had a $25 credit with Barnes and Noble, and she actually told me to buy some D&D stuff. So I preordered the starter set, and some more dice. My wife rocks!

  2. Isn't pacific business hours like 9am? That would make it more like 12 noon for us on east coast.

    1. I called the WotC directly and asked them their business opened and was told 7:00 AM

    2. That should be "when their business opened" . . . . stupid phone.


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