Wednesday, October 8, 2014

New Profile Picture

So I've been screwing about for the last few hours with and it suddenly became a really great fucking idea for me to change my profile picture. I mean, we all know that I'm not a giant, fuck-off bear reading a book so what does it really matter?

Here's the new picture for the profile. I decided that since I'm dovetailing into a bit of post apocalyptic gaming lately that I wanted to go with something that had that feel - at least for the moment. What do you guys think? Should I keep it or should I go back to the bear?


  1. This will definitely throw me off a bit at first, since I'm used to seeing the nerd-bear. Just one question...what is it? o.O

    1. Seconded. It looks kind of like a dude in an Arctic Stillsuit.

      I submit this name for your approval: Arctic Stillsuit. ;)


    2. It's actually a guy in a hazmat suit walking away from a nuclear reactor.

    3. Walk away and don't look at the explosion... ;)


  2. ok, I see it now. Dither was close.

  3. Wait, you're not a fuck off bear? My world is shattered, man.


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