Friday, April 4, 2014

Answering Questions: Guiseppe Antonelli

Why your wife should answer our questions? -- Guiseppe Antonelli

I figured that I would just take an opportunity to give her a little bit of fun. She's got a good sense of humor and any chance to make her use it delights me.

Why in Italy the RPG is less prevalent than in America? -- Guiseppe Antonelli

I honestly don't know, but my guess is that you've got too many beautiful women and too much great wine for role-playing games to get a toe hold.




Disapproving face disapproves of both of us.


  1. First of all my name is Giuseppe and not Guiseppe! :))
    But no problem, this is a common error by the English-speaking people. :)

    Anyway thanks for the answer I liked them especially the disapproving face!

    1. Dang. I tried so hard not to flip those letters. :(

      "Anyway thanks for the answer I liked them especially the disapproving face!"

      I thought you might! :D

    2. Ok, as great compensation for the small trifle inversion of the letters I am entitled to another question! ;)

      Why for English speakers is more natural to write Guiseppe instead of Giuseppe?

      I ask because it actually happened to me so many times before.
      Of course you are not obliged to answer because I'm out of time! :)

    3. I think I do it because I say your name like they did in the movies with Ju instead of a Gee at the start. I'm not sure if that's the case for everyone but how I say a word phonetically affects my spelling tremendously.

      I'm practicing saying your name correctly so I can stop messing it up. ;)

    4. "I'm practicing saying your name correctly so I can stop messing it up. ;)"

      I would like to be there and hear you say it... I think that it would be hilarious! :D

    5. Let me see if I can make that happen . . .


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