Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hello, I'm Charles Akins How May I Help You?

I'm doing another Ask Me Anything here on the blog folks! 

What's that mean for you? It means that you can ask me a question about any topic under the sun and I'll answer it to the best of my ability. If you're really nice I might even be able to get the wife to join in as well. 

You can leave your question here in the comments below, over on google+, you can tweet me @Thatakinsboy, or you can e-mail me. You've got until Thursday, April 3, 2014 at 11:59 PM EST to get your questions in because I'll be answering them all on Friday April 4!


  1. Why can't Pi be expressed as a fraction?

    1. Your answer is in the queue and will publish at 12:00 am.

  2. Okay, but remember you said anything...

    1. How're liking Marvel's Agents of SHIELD? Why or why not? Is it gonna get a second season?

    2. You have made reference to being a tough guy enough times that I've started wondering why. Martial arts background? Gangland? Former golden gloves champ?

    3. A bunch of my friends are increasingly concerned about America's civil/military divide. I agree it's a problem. We fought two wars with something like 1% of the population on active duty, and we put the whole thing on credit, so no one has yet felt economic pain as a result. Military members think that a more informed, more personally committed populace will be a more responsible governing body. That, bottom line, if more people have skin in the game, then we're far less apt to find ourselves in inexplicable overseas boondoggles. What do you think? Can we close the civil/military divide, and will it lead to a more responsible foreign policy if we do?

    1. Your answers are in the queue and will publish at 12:30 am, 1:00 am, and 1:30 am.

  3. I have to reiterate Dan's question above from a different angle, about the whole tough guy thing. Your narrative reminds me of some of the tough guy detective fiction that I shamefully love to read. Have you read a lot of modern day detective fiction, and if so, what authors are your favorites? Also, are you currently working on a novel, short stories, etc.? If not, why the fuck not?

    Yours truly with pink rainbows and glittering fairy dust,

    1. Your answers are in the queue and will publish at 2:00 am and 2:30 am.

  4. 1. How many pits in a peck?
    2. What's the difference between a camel and a lion?

    1. Your answer is in the queue and will publish at 3:00 am

  5. How would you best resolve a combat between 20 french knights in full armor and 10 crossbowmen vs a band of 5 Tharks using rules published by TSR?

    1. Your answer is in the queue and will publish at 3:30 am

  6. Replies
    1. Your answer is in the queue and will publish at 4:00 am

  7. 1. Why your wife should answer our questions?

    2. Why in Italy the RPG is less prevalent than in America?

    3. :-p

    1. Your answers are in the queue and will publish at 6:30 am

  8. If a man came up to you with a severed finger up his nose, clearly not his own, where would you be?

    1. Your answer is in the queue and will publish at 7:00 am

  9. 1. How did we allow ourselves to become such a litigious society?
    2. Is it a product of our advancement or degeneration as a society?
    3. Where the hell have our core values gone?
    4. Why have we put so much power and reliance in our government?

    1. Your answers are in the queue and will publish at 4:30 am, 5:00 am, 5:30 am, and 6:00 am.

  10. OK, I'll play.

    What RPG(s) are you currently running and/or playing?

    I like this blog of yours a lot but it's one of those gaming blogs that doesn't seem to have a lot of gaming material or references on it lately.

    Just curious.

    1. Your answers are in the queue and will publish at 7: 30 am, and 8:00 am

  11. Replies
    1. Your answer is in the queue and will publish at 9:00 am

  12. 3. What's the deal with your portrait icon?

    4. What are reading these days? Are you on Goodreads?

    5. I've never seen you post anything about minis. Explain.

    6. Owlbears...whaddaya think?


    1. Your answers are in the queue and will publish at 9:30 am, 10:00 am, 10:30 am, and 11:00 am.

  13. Charles, no question for you . . . but I'm dying to read your answers! LOL

    1. Ha!

      I've got them running in 30 minute intervals from 12:00 am through 11:00 am right now. More questions are coming in so I may have even more by the time I'm done. :)

    2. The variety of the questions is interesting. Everything from Gaming to the Socio-Political. You really opened yourself up for it! LOL


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Closing Comments.

Due to the influx of spam comments on Dyvers I am closing the comments. I'm not currently doing anything with this blog, but I don'...