Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Whispered Dreams Yet to Launch

I used to think about doing a podcast, a lot. 

I had a few friends lined up to come along with me and we were going to do live plays and a round table discussion of various gaming topics, but it all fell through. Not because I didn't have the interest - god knows I still want to do it - but because my friends weren't nearly as committed to the idea as I was and if your group isn't down for the full experience then you're going to fail.

So I keep tabling the idea for another day and I long to just fucking spit out my ideas on a microphone with some good friends, bullshitting our way through each episode. I know that eventually I'll be able to get the right combination together and it will launch when the time is right. I just hate this frustrating feeling that keeps at me.

All things in their time; all things in their time.


  1. As someone who has a few years of podcasting under his belt, you are definitely right. You need the right committed bunch and then later on you start worrying about things like better equipment and editing. I myself am a minor cog in the Gamerstable podcast which boasts 5-6 people, but in my opinion it's well worth the effort even if you have only a couple people doing it.
    The way you can sell it to your friends is how we started, when we had a friend die accidentally we realized we had nothing but hazy memories of our gaming with him. Recording stuff (or video) and putting it up on the internet will give you something quite nice to look back on.

    1. I remember listening to you guys talk about him on Gamerstable. I was always so sorry to hear about his death because he sounded like a really great guy.

      Anyway, thank you so much for the advice. I really appreciate it!

  2. To start properly, you only need 1 other person. Heck, you could even do it alone.

    1. Yes, but I'm not nearly as charming and funny when I talk to myself. ;P

  3. In the past I've often thought of doing a podcast of the play sessions on Roll20, but honestly I prefer to make a written summary of what happened because in this way I transcribe only what is inherent to the game and to the campaign and also in a more "fictional" way. But this is my humble point of view.

    1. As long as you're enjoying it that's all that matters as far as I'm concerned! :)

  4. I think doing a live play podcast would be awesome. However, getting everyone in your local group on board would probably be more trouble than it's worth. The mention above of using Roll20 would be a great way to go I believe, because that way, you can get people from all around, people who are committed. If you do decide to go for it one day, I just want to throw my hat into the ring to help you in any way I can. If a game that you run is half as entertaining as your blog, you will do well my friend.


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