Sunday, January 12, 2014

Buddy Guy and Drinking by Myself

I'm sitting here drinking a cocktail and listening to Buddy Guy on PBS. 

For the last hour I've been trying to think of one reason not to donate to PBS and I can't think of a one. Somebody help me out here before I give them all of my money. 


  1. Don't drink and donate?

    I take it that you're not married (because presumably your wife would either be drinking with you or provide a strong disincentive from giving away your money), so think of it this way: whether you're actively thinking about it or not, today's choices actively affect tomorrow's outcomes. Wanna buy a house at some point? Don't waste your money now.

    Against that, if PBS isn't a waste, then donate what you can afford.

    1. Actually, I am married, she had already gone to bed.

      That said, I ended up donating five bucks a month - something that I could afford.

    2. I certainly think so. Have you donated as well David?

  2. saw Buddy Guy live at my local performing arts center, he was amazing, a true ambassador for the blues.

    1. And now I am incredibly jealous of you. Every time Buddy comes near me I end up having to either work, or go to the hospital for the birth of my child . . . lame.

  3. I've shaken Buddy Guy by the hand and met his band when they played here in New Zealand. I also hung out back stage during their performance. An unforgettable experience. As a blues guitarist, he is a huge influence on my music.

    1. I am so unbelievably jealous of you right now.


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