Friday, February 28, 2014

Fan Mail.

I was sitting at my computer reading about the problems a friend of mine is going through and trying to find the right words to say that would somehow make things better when I got an email from a reader of my blog.

It started off well. 
Hey you fucking asshole, 

Why do you even put your chubby fucking fingers down on a keyboard? You cum gurgling ass monkey. It's you and unblown neckbeard fag buddies that have made this 'hobby' a goddamned joke. 

Fuck off and die.
It's nice to see that I'm developing a fan base that really gets me.

P.S. I did clean up the text a bit, couldn't tell what the asshole had sent originally.


  1. No one ever takes the time to tell me to fuck off and die anymore... :[

    1. If it would make you feel better I'll come over once a day and do that for you. After all, what are friends for. :)

  2. It's still February, just consider it a late Valentine from a love-struck dude who hasn't matured enough to admit he actually likes you.

    1. Well, now it just got creepy.

      Think I'll go take a shower.

  3. Wow. There's guys out whose opinions I respect MUCH less than yours and I would never say they were an embarrassment to the hobby.

    But I think if you're pissing someone off that badly, you're doing something right. Keep up the good work!

  4. You just KNOW that this is from a guy who reads your blog twice a day.

  5. I'm jealous! No one ever got that worked up over anything I wrote on my gaming blog. I think you must be living in that guy's head.

    1. If so he certainly isn't learning anything from the experience. 'Course I have been listening to a lot of Phish and Widespread Panic lately, so that might explain his rage.

  6. I am extremely curious to know what of your articles has triggered this greeting card! ;)

    1. Me too. I figure it was the one about reading. After all, anyone who could write that bile would definitely be against reading.


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