Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Not One Crazy Theory Today.

I have to admit, I'm kind of disappointed. 

I thought that when I posted Isn't That Interesting . . . that we might all have a bit of fun and write up crazy conspiracies involving reptilians and the Illuminati but everyone has been all, "It's a typo," and "Here's my really well thought out answer for why this might actually be legit."

No one foamed at the mouth and tore their hair out as they screamed about how Wizards had dug Gygax out of his grave and was satisfying themselves with his corpse by making that sort of move. Yet I didn't even get so much as a "These guys are dick bags."

That's what I get for having a bunch of people who read me that are intelligent, rational beings instead of over-reactionary jack holes.


  1. They've drained so much conspiracy and outrage out of me over the years I just, can't, do it.

    1. Is it wrong that I read that in the voice of William Shatner?

  2. Oh I *tried* to let you know what it REALLY means but THEY ate my comment... All I'm saying is that D&DNext will not be released at GenCon but at Bohemian Grove...

  3. We're listening to you, you know. If you continue in this vein, we'll be forced to shut down your blog, arrest your sister, shoot your dog, and repossess your washer and dryer. Don't make us go there....

    1. Okay, that's the way to throw a crazy comment in there! I'm so damned proud!


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Due to the influx of spam comments on Dyvers I am closing the comments. I'm not currently doing anything with this blog, but I don'...