Saturday, February 15, 2014

Strangest Way to Dyvers, Ever.

So I obsessively watch my traffic to see who's coming and where I'm getting linked to, and last night I had the single strangest search request to find this blog: 

bux torlin movie porno

I feel like that was either a really weird fetish that somehow got hooked onto me, or else I just had a spell cast on me from a really strange and drunken warlock who only spoke gibberish. Either way, I count it a win. 

So what the weirdest search request to find your blog?


  1. Sex dungeon. I can only imagine they were disappointed by my nerd blog.

  2. I was looking for a chocolate lava cake recipe I swear! Honestly. But if did you find "bux torlin movie porno" please send the link, for intellectual curiosity.

    1. Of course! And I'll most assuredly watch it first to ensure that it's morally acceptable for us both to watch.

  3. The only weird one I get is Starwood Hotels, which link me constantly. It's spam, very annoying and blogger is masterfully bad at doing anything about it.

    1. Oh, that's not so bad. I was afraid you were going to tell me it was something like a fake alien porn website that was trying to get a hold of your blog.

  4. Totally naming my next PC Bux Torline.
    I've had some hits from stuff like "treant porn" and "gnoll porn" -- It's just because of the link to Zak's site in the sidebar. More interesting but misguided queries deserve a google penance though (I've had "the terrible tax on gnomes" for example, and "build your own monsters bugbears" recently. The "Got Medieval" blog used to post google penances -- you do a post on the suggest of a search term that yielded you an undeserved hit.

    1. You know, I have to say that if I could see Treant Porn I would have to kill myself afterwards because my eyes would have melted and my ears drums would have exploded. In my fawning state death would have been preferable to the memories I had been cursed with from that Lovecraftian horror that I had witnessed.

      An overreaction, perhaps, but then you've never thought about how they do it, have you?


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Closing Comments.

Due to the influx of spam comments on Dyvers I am closing the comments. I'm not currently doing anything with this blog, but I don'...